The Snow Queen and Snow Princess
Snow Queen
Costo: 13.50 euro
Una storia classica . la regina delle nevi, che è lîspirazione della storia Frozen. In questo racconto Gerda fa un magico viaggio per salvare il suo amico Kay dalla malvagia regina delle nevi.
Con pagine tagliate che mostrano fiocchi di neve e cieli stellati, buchi da sbirciare e splendide illustrazioni questo è un modo bellissimo per far conoscere ai bambini la classica fiaba.
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The Snow Queen

Age: 5+,
Activity books /
Magic painting /
Paperback: 8.50 euro
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Usborne English Readers Level 2:
The Snow Queen
Gerda's friend Kay is missing. The Snow Queen has taken him to her ice palace, far away, and now brave Gerda must find him and bring him home.
Includes a word list, 5 pages of activities and free online audio (British English and American English).
800 headwords, 2,126 words
Paperback: £6.99
Age: 5+ if Mother Tongue
Little sticker dolly dressing:
Snow Princess

The Snow Princess is hosting a grand winter ball at her Ice Palace. Dress the dolls for a walk in the snow, ice skating, a magical night at the ball and lots more. With over 200 reusable stickers of beautiful winter outfits, decorations and accessories, plus a fold-out back cover to ‘park’ stickers whilst they’re not in use.Paperback: £5.99
Age: 4+,
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Picture books:
The Snow Queen
Follow Gerda on her quest to save her best friend from the evil Snow Queen’s frozen palace in this lyrical retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s classic fairy tale, beautifully illustrated by Elena Selivanova. Stunning pictures combined with simple text brings this magical tale to life.
£5.99, if Mother Toungue
See the other books in this series.
Listen and read :
The Snow Queen
£9.99, Age: 3+ if Mother Tongue
Join Gerda on her magical journey to rescue her friend Kay from the evil Snow Queen. Press the sound buttons to hear a clear, lively reading of the classic winter fairy tale, specially recorded for little ones. With simple text and charming illustrations by Elena Selivanova throughout.